What is our God really like, as we look more closely?

The Psalmist could not but exalt Him as One who is holy!

He is to be worshipped for the God that He is;

He is One who will hate sin and uphold justice.


To the unrepentant, the Lord will mete out judgment;

He cannot but mete out just but fair condemnation.

God cannot contradict Himself and spare the unrepentant;

But His grace and mercy will be given to His servants.


God will hear and answer the prayers of intercession;

The prayers that they offer will be given consideration.

He is well and truly the merciful “God-who-forgives!”

Humble prayers offered from the heart, He receives.


This great God is One whom we must ever exalt;

His holiness and His mercy we must never insult.

May we ever offer worship with deep gratitude!

The name of the Lord must be given magnitude.



Inspiration: Psalm 99:8-9

Charles Tan