Focusing On Jesus

by Pastor Mark
April 09, 2020

A deeper appreciation of our Lord Jesus

As we prepare ourselves for Good Friday and Easter, what is it that we want to focus on?

While our lives have been greatly limited by the necessary government measures to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus, should we focus on our present circumstances and allow them to affect us adversely in one way or another? The answer is an emphatic “No!”

The more excellent choice would be to place our full focus on the Lord Jesus. I recall the words of the author of Hebrews, “But we see Jesus”. (Heb 2:9) We want to set our eyes on the Lord Jesus and to see Him plainly and clearly for all that He is. We do not want to be distracted in any way during this time. Let us be challenged to place our absolute focus on Lord Jesus Christ. Let us deeply appreciate Him for all that He has done for us that we may be uplifted and encouraged in our heart and mind.

1. The Person of Jesus

The author of Hebrew applied this text to Jesus, “What is man that You are mindful of him,

And the son of man that You take care of him? You have made him a little lower than the angels” (Heb 2:6–7a) The original context of Psalm 8 was about creation and how God made the “son of man”. He was made significantly lower than the mighty angels of heaven.

For Jesus, He took on flesh and was made like man, “Who was made a little lower than the angels”. (Heb 2:9) He is the Son of Man which is His Messianic title but also emphasises His humanity. Though He never lost His divinity at any time, He was willing to lower Himself to become a man. It is an amazing act of humility for the Lord to take on flesh. Let us take time to appreciate the person of Christ for His humanity and His humility.

2. The purpose of Jesus

“for the suffering of death…” (Heb 2:9)

What was the purpose of the Lord Jesus becoming a man? There is high purpose for the Lord Jesus to become flesh, which was to suffer the death of the cross. Christ came into the world to die for the sins of man, to become the Saviour of the world. He would “taste death for everyone.” (Heb 2:9) The Lord’s purpose was to die for the sake of all men. He died on our behalf, in our place. Let us be awed by the thought of how Jesus was born with the divine purpose of dying for us. No man had a higher purpose than the one the Lord Jesus had. Let us be thankful to God and His divine purpose for Christ to taste death for us.

3. A special perspective of Jesus’ death

“crowned with glory and honour, that He, by the grace of God…” (Heb 2:9)

The author made a significant comment on the death of the Lord Jesus. In His death, He would be crowned with glory and honour. The word “crowned” would be a veiled reference to the Kingship of Jesus. He is a glorious King, unlike any other king. He is a King who was willing to lower Himself to become man. As King, He sacrificed Himself to die for all. It is in His death as King that He would reflect great glory and honour. The Lord Jesus spoke of how He would glorify the Father in His hour of death. (John 12:27, 28) He would give all the glory to the name of His Father. It is by the grace of God that Jesus would face His death. We are all undeserving of the Lord Jesus dying for us. Because of the grace of God, Jesus tasted death for our sake. There is no other king who is crowned with such glory and honour as our Messiah King. Let us deeply appreciate the Lord Jesus and see Him for all that He is. Let our hearts and minds be uplifted and encouraged as we celebrate Good Friday and Easter.

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