Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 219

Text: Genesis 29: 34-35


Genesis 29:34-35

34 She conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Now this time my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.” Therefore his name was called Levi.
35 And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Now I will praise the LORD.” Therefore she called his name Judah. Then she stopped bearing.


1. One more son from Leah

a. Levi was the third son of Leah.
b. His name, Levi, was also symbolically chosen.
c. It meant “attached”.
d. Leah hoped that Jacob would be attached to her, now that she had given him three sons.

2. The fourth son from Leah

a. Leah once again bore another son.
b. He was called “Judah”.
c. The name means, “Praise”.
d. Leah felt that she had every reason to praise God, even if Jacob was still not very attached to her.
i. She had four sons.
ii. It was “a dream” of many women in those days to be highly productive, in bearing children.
iii. God had heard her prayers.
iv. She must have felt some measure of fulfilment in being a mother four times over.


1. Sadly, she remained barren.

2. She and Jacob had not realized that God had closed her womb.

经文:创世记 29: 34-35


《创世记 29:34-35》
34 她又怀孕生子,起名叫利未,说:“我给丈夫生了三个儿子,他必与我联合。”

35 她又怀孕生子,说:“这回我要赞美耶和华。”因此给他起名叫犹大。这才停了生育。


1. 利亚的另一个儿子

a. 利未是利亚的第三个儿子
b. 选择 “利未” 这名也是有象征性的
c. 名字的意思是“联合”
d. 利亚希望雅各能与她联合,因为她已经为他生了三个儿子

2. 利亚的第四个儿子

a. 利亚再次生了另一个儿子
b. 他名为“犹大”
c. 名意为“赞美”
d. 利亚觉得即使雅各仍然不能与她联合,她还是有充分的理由赞美上帝
i. 她有四个儿子
ii. 能生育多子是那个时代许多妇女的“梦想”
iii. 上帝已经听见了她的祷告
iv. 能四次为人母,她肯定感到某种满足感


1. 可悲的是,她仍然无法生育

2. 她和雅各并没有意识到是上帝使她不能生育