The LORD is not confined by time or space;

We are able to draw near only by His grace.

He has kindly shown us His Habitation;

There in Zion, there is great jubilation!


The Presence of the Lord is to be remembered;

His glory revealed is to be greatly treasured.

The power of the Lord is shown in many ways;

How we must be grateful He shows us His face!


There must be a love for the House of the Lord;

This love must be cultivated in gladsome accord.

The Lord has done so much for His children;

How blessed to know our Father in heaven!


Let us always check the state of our heart;

From the Lord’s love we must never depart.

Let us wash our hands and be clean before God;

We enter into the very habitation of the LORD!


Inspiration: Psalm 26:6-8

Charles Tan