“Unite My Heart To Fear Your Name”

by Pastor Mark
July 16, 2020

A humble prayer of a servant of the Lord

Our approach to God in prayer is most vital. The approach that King David took was one of great humility, “Bow down Your ear, O Lord, hear me; for I am poor and needy.” (Ps 86:1) Even though he was king, David never spoke of himself as one. He addressed God as his Lord, who was good, ready to forgive and merciful. (Ps 86:5) David saw himself as spiritually poor and in need. He also saw himself as a humble servant of the Lord. (Ps 86:2,4) Let us learn to approach our Lord in prayer humbly.

The problem of a divided heart

Part of the problem that David experienced was a divided heart. There were distractions in his life that caused his heart to be divided and torn in different directions. One distraction was the struggle that he had with the sins in his life. He even struggled with enemies who were against him. There was also the threat of death that he was fearful of.

Today, our hearts can be easily distracted by our sins, our selfish ways, secular thinking and the things of the world. Let us seek and to pray for a united heart instead.

The prayer for our heart to be united to fear the Lord’s name

“Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name.” (Ps 86:11)

1. Begin with praying humbly for God to teach us His way

David prayed for the Lord to teach him His way. He had made mistakes along the way in his life and needed the Lord to teach him insights concerning His way. Let us be challenged to pray humbly for the Lord to teach us His ways rather than to be drawn by our ways.

2. A desire to walk in the Lord’s truth

David was concerned about his walk with the Lord. David recognised that he had failed and sinned against the Lord. The prayer that he made was to walk in the truth of the Lord. As God reveals His truth about Himself and His ways to us, let us also desire to walk in His truth.

3. Praying for a united heart to fear the Lord’s name

David prayed for a united heart. He desired to set his focus on one thing. His heart should be centralised on fearing the Lord and His name. There should be a heart of total focus and dedication rather than to be distracted.

What does it mean to fear the name of the Lord? There would be greater reverence and fear for the Lord’s name. He is the Lord and God. There is no one like Him. (Ps 86:8) He alone is great and does wondrous things. (Ps 86:10) He deserves our wholehearted focus. Let us pray for God to give us a united heart that is completely faithful and fervent to Him and His name.

Praising God with all our heart

“I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify Your name forevermore.” (Ps 86:12)

David was determined to praise the Lord God with his whole heart. He would fear the name of the Lord by giving glory to it.  Let us pray for the Lord to unite our heart to fear the Lord’s name always.

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