Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 262

Text: Genesis 33: 8-9


Genesis 33:8-9

8 Then Esau said, “What do you mean by all this company which I met?” And he said, “These are to find favour in the sight of my lord.”
9 But Esau said, “I have enough, my brother; keep what you have for yourself.”


1. Esau’s enquiry

a. He was puzzled by the huge company that he had met along the way.
b. The servants of Jacob had been given clear instructions.
i. They were told that these were presents for Esau.
ii. They were to inform Esau that Jacob is not far behind.
c. He had listened to what Jacob’s servants had to say but he remained puzzled.
i. He asked Jacob directly what “the company” was all about.
ii. He probably had never been given such a gift before.
iii. In the past, Jacob had only taken from Esau.

2. Jacob’s explanation

a. The gifts were meant for Esau.
b. These gifts were meant to express his desire to “find favour”.
c. Jacob continued to address Esau formally, as “my lord”.

3. Esau’s response

a. He did not want the gift.
b. He was not a greedy man.
c. He had enough wealth.
d. Esau addressed Jacob kindly. He called him, “My brother”.

There was no more animosity in his heart towards Jacob! Hatred was gone from his heart!

经文:创世记 33:8-9


《创世记 33:8-9》



1. 以扫的疑问

a. 他疑惑路上所遇到的群畜
b. 雅各的仆人得到了明确的指示
i. 仆人被吩咐这些是献给以扫的礼物
ii. 仆人也通知雅各就在后边
c. 虽然他通过雅各的仆人得知了这些事,他依然有着疑惑。
i. 他直接向雅各询问这群畜意味着什么意思
ii. 他可能从未有过这样的礼物
iii. 以前,雅各都是夺取以扫的东西

2. 雅各的解释

a. 这些是献给以扫的礼物
b. 他希望能够通过这些礼物而“蒙恩”
c. 雅各以“我主”来正式地称呼以扫

3. 以扫的回应

a. 他不愿意接受礼物
b. 他不是贪婪的人
c. 他有足够的产业
d. 他以慈爱的方式称呼雅各。他称雅各为,“兄弟”。
