This One Will Be Blessed In What He Does

by Pastor Mark
July 30, 2020

The danger of hearing the Word of God only

In seeking a life that is blessed, it is most vital that we have a proper approach to the Word of God. The Apostle James recognised that the brethren, though they were facing great trials in being scattered, had a problem with how they were listening to the Word of God. “But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:22)

1. Deceiving ourselves

Some brethren were hearing the Word of God but were not doing anything about it. It was due to the problem of deception. The word “deception” means a “false logic or reasoning”. It was a false reasoning that deceived the brethren into thinking that not practising the Word of God was acceptable. It is a real danger for all of us to think this way too.

2. Forgetting our true self

James addressed the problem further by comparing the Word of God to a mirror. (James 1:23–24) When we look at the Scriptures, we observe our natural true self, both good and bad. Our response must be to urgently address the sins and defects in our lives. But if we can just conveniently forget about our sins and do nothing about them, we are deceiving ourselves. We are not addressing our problems, and we remain unchanged. It becomes a serious hindrance to God blessing our lives.

Those who will be blessed

1. Doing the Word of God…“But be doers of the Word…” (James 1:22)

“But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer…” (James 1:25)

James did not regard the Word of God as only a mirror. He considered it as the perfect law of liberty. If we were to have a good look into the perfect law, it would bring about freedom from our sins. The Lord Jesus promised this same liberty through the truth of His words. (John 8:32,36) A doer of the Word will abide in it and not forget it. There would come true freedom.

2. Doing the work of God…“a doer of the work,” (James 1:25)

The Word of God and His work are closely related. Through the Word of God, God reveals His plans for us to do His work. As we learn to do the Word of God, we are also seeking to do the work of God. Let us be challenged to fulfil the work that He has entrusted to us.

The blessings of God

“this one will be blessed in what he does.” (James 1:25)

As we learn to do God’s Word and His work, there would come special blessings.

  1. The blessing of having a true faith…that leads one to practise the Word of God.
  2. The blessing of having the wisdom to hear and to do the Lord’s Word. He would be a wise man who has a strong foundation. (Matt 7:24)
  3. There is the blessing of freedom from our sins.
  4. His blessings would reflect the approval of God in his life.

Let us be challenged to truly be doers of the Lord’s Word and work that we may be greatly blessed in our life and ministry.

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