Reflecting On The Truths Of God
By Pastor Mitch
August 07, 2020
As David reflected on his life, he saw how his efforts to walk in righteousness really mattered to God. The Lord rewarded him according to his righteousness (Psalm 18:20). As the king of Israel pondered on this further, he was able to make observations of truths of God in life.
With the merciful, You will show yourself merciful; with the blameless You will show yourself blameless; With the pure You will show yourself pure…for You will save the humble people, but will bring down haughty looks.” Psalm 18:25-27
He was able to observe truths that were universal and timeless. He saw how when people were merciful, they in turn would receive mercy from God. When they sought to be righteous and blameless before Him, He would reciprocate by being blameless towards them. He will hold true to all His promises. When they sought to be pure in their ways, the Lord also showed His purity in His intentions and actions to them. He saw how the humble would be specially saved by Him but those who were proud would be brought down. These were truths that David must have come to experience and appreciate himself. He recognised such truths in his own life and the lives of others.
Blessed are the poor in spirit…blessed are merciful…blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…blessed at the pure in heart.” Matt 5:3-6
The Lord Jesus also taught these timeless truths in the Beatitudes. He began by speaking of humility as being poor in spirit. Humility comes about through seeing ourselves as spiritual impoverished. When we feel that we are nothing before God, all that is in the kingdom of God is ours. In humility, we can learn to be merciful. Those who are merciful will receive mercy. When we are pure in heart, we would see God. The Lord Jesus was applying and teaching these truths in the Beatitudes.
These truths can be personally applied to our life today. They are timeless and relevant for our everyday life. As I dwell on these truths, I am deeply challenged to practise righteousness and to be humble before the Lord. The danger of being self-righteous and proud is so real. Those who are haughty would be brought down. How true this is today! We are to be merciful and to be pure in heart. The challenge for us is to practise truths in all that we do in life and ministry. Let’s trust the Lord that He would graciously reciprocate and bless when we truly apply them in our life.