Good News is a wonderful thing to receive;

The heart is blessed when the gospel is believed.

The righteousness of God is bestowed on the heart;

From His beloved children, God would never depart!


The Good News is one that speaks of Salvation;

In this the Soul will find the greatest jubilation!

The Lord would always be faithful to His children;

He is our great and wonderful God of heaven.


The Good News is something we must proclaim;

Let us ever seek to speak of the Lord’s great name.

There are many who need to hear the Gospel story;

We have a Saviour who came from Heaven’s glory.


Let us determine to speak of God’s salvation;

There is no need to fear wrath or condemnation.

The Lord desires to become our glorious King;

He will forgive and cleanse us from all our sins!


Inspiration: Psalm 40:9-10

Charles Tan