Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 326

Text: Genesis 42: 15-20


Genesis 42:15-20

15 In this manner you shall be tested: By the life of Pharaoh, you shall not leave this place unless your youngest brother comes here.
16 Send one of you, and let him bring your brother; and you shall be kept in prison, that your words may be tested to see whether there is any truth in you; or else, by the life of Pharaoh, surely you are spies!”
17 So he put them all together in prison three days.
18 Then Joseph said to them the third day, “Do this and live, for I fear God:
19 If you are honest men, let one of your brothers be confined to your prison house; but you, go and carry grain for the famine of your houses.
20 And bring your youngest brother to me; so your words will be verified, and you shall not die.” And they did so.


1. The charge of being “spies”

a. This was now declared four times.
b. A chance to prove that they were not spies but were telling the truth.

2. Arresting of the sons of Israel

a. They were put into jail.
b. They would remain there until their youngest brother came to Egypt.
c. One of the brothers would be sent to bring their youngest sibling.
d. Their words would be verified in the meantime.
e. If they were indeed spies, they would be executed.
f. This was the penalty meted out to all who were spies.

3. On the third day

a. Joseph met his brothers again.
b. He would allow all of them to be released except one.
c. He would even allow them to bring food back to Canaan.
d. Their youngest brother must return with them.
e. Their words would then be verified and they would not be executed.
f. They had no choice but to comply with the command given to them.

经文:创世记 42:15-20


《创世记 42:15-20》
15 我指着法老的性命起誓,若是你们的小兄弟不到这里来,你们就不得出这地方,从此就可以把你们证验出来了。
16 须要打发你们中间一个人去,把你们的兄弟带来。至于你们,都要囚在这里,好证验你们的话真不真。若不真,我指着法老的性命起誓,你们一定是奸细。”
17 于是约瑟把他们都下在监里三天。
18 到了第三天,约瑟对他们说:“我是敬畏神的,你们照我的话行就可以存活。
19 你们如果是诚实人,可以留你们中间的一个人囚在监里;但你们可以带着粮食回去,救你们家里的饥荒。

20 把你们的小兄弟带到我这里来,如此你们的话便有证据,你们也不至于死。”他们就照样而行。


1. 被指控为“奸细”

a. 至此,这句话已说了四遍
b. 他给他们机会证明他们不是奸细,而是在说实话

2. 逮捕以色列的儿子

a. 他们被关在监里
b. 他们将下在监里,直到他们的小兄弟来到埃及
c. 他们之中将派一个兄弟去把他们的小兄弟带来
d. 他们的话将在此同时被证验
e. 如果他们确实是奸细,他们将被处决
f. 这是对奸细们所行的惩罚

3. 第三天

a. 约瑟再次来见他的兄弟们
b. 他允许他们留一个人囚在监里,其他人可被释放
c. 他甚至允许他们把粮食带回迦南
d. 他们的小兄弟必须和他们一起回埃及
e. 他们的话将被验证,而他们不会被处死
f. 他们别无选择,只能遵守命令