Daily Devotions

2 Peter

2 Peter 
Day 6

"To knowledge self-control"

Text: 2 Peter 1:6


We recognize that significant spiritual growth is not an easy thing to accomplish. Peter sought to explain how meaningful spiritual growth may occur. This is almost a step-by-step explanation as to how we may make good progress in the cultivation of our life.

“To knowledge self-control,
to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness.”
2 Peter 1:6

1. “To knowledge”

a) Knowledge is of vast importance.

i) There is so much to learn about God.

ii) There is as much to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ.

b) Knowledge of other wonderful things:

i) Our faith.

ii) Our new “divine nature”.

iii) Our calling from God.

2. “Self-control”

a) This word speaks of a person who is able to take hold of himself.

i) He is not overcome by his emotions.

ii) He is not controlled by his mood.

b) He is able to grasp what he needs to do.

i) Knowledge of God and self.

ii) This must lead to “self-control”.

3. “Perseverance”

a) This word has a number of nuances.

i) Patience

ii) Ability to take much pressure and to remain steady.

b) The believer is able to press on with his faith.

i) Amidst problems.

ii) Amidst even tribulation.

4. “Godliness”

a) Godliness is related closely to “virtue” (“moral excellence”).

b) The focus here is that of a godly lifestyle.

i) It is more than just having a good spiritual experience.

ii) It is having a conscious sense of reverence towards God.

Each quality adds to the faith and life of the believer! Every effort must be put in to achieve these things! God’s power is always available to the believer who seeks Him sincerely.