God’s plan of salvation is truly outstanding;

His plan includes glorious and profound blessings.

In His grace and mercy, He made us His children;

This is a profound truth from the God of Heaven.


The Spirit of God was sent to be our Seal;

He works in our hearts with great zeal.

He confirms that we are indeed God’s children;

When our life is done, we are bound for Heaven.


When we believe, we become heirs of God;

This is a profound truth given by the Lord.

The Spirit assures us that we have an inheritance;

Understanding this truth is of great importance.


We are “joint-heirs” with Christ our Saviour;

Such is the extent of God’s gracious favour!

There are wonderful blessings to discover.

Let us read the Holy Scriptures with fervour.



Inspiration: Romans 8:16-17

Charles Tan