Daily Devotions

2 Peter

2 Peter 
Day 23

"And did not spare the ancient world"

Text: 2 Peter 2:5


Peter cited a number of Biblical examples of how God judged the unrepentant wicked. This time he cited the destruction of the old world in the days of Noah.

“And did not spare the ancient world,
but saved Noah, one of eight people,
a preacher of righteousness,
bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly.”
2 Peter 2:5

1. “And did not spare the ancient world”

a) This is a reference to the text found in Genesis 6-9.

b) The ancient world was described candidly as

i) Wicked Genesis 6:5

ii) Corrupt Genesis 6:11,12

c) God did not spare the ancient world.

i) It remained unrepentant.

ii) It rejected God and chose the way of sin.

2. “But saved Noah, one of eight people”

a) The conjunction offered a stark contrast.

b) Eight people were spared.

c) They were all from Noah’s immediate family.

d) The word “saved”

i) God protected him.

ii) From the wicked.

iii) From the judgment.

iv) Thus, he was “saved”.

3. “A preacher of righteousness”

a) He proclaimed righteousness in direct contrast to:

i) Wickedness

ii) Corruption

iii) Violence

b) He lived a life of righteousness.

c) He found grace from God (Genesis 6:8).

4. “Bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly”

a) God brought in a flood (a cataclysmic event) on the world.

b) It was a world dominated by the ungodly.