Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 48

Text: Exodus 7: 22-25


Exodus 7:22-25

22 Then the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments; and Pharaoh’s heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, as the LORD had said.
23 And Pharaoh turned and went into his house. Neither was his heart moved by this.
24 So all the Egyptians dug all around the river for water to drink, because they could not drink the water of the river.
25 And seven days passed after the LORD had struck the river.


1. The magicians of Egypt

a. They had learned to make “enchantments”.
b. They believed that their magic spells were powerful.

2. What they could not do

a. They could not reverse what the LORD did.
b. They could only pretend that they could also turn water into blood.
c. They were “duplicating” the feat of Moses and Aaron.
d. This was supposed to show that they had similar powers.
e. The real power would be more obvious if they would reverse what God did.
f. But of course, they could not do that.

3. The response of the Pharaoh

a. He turned away and went into his own house.
b. His heart was not moved at all by what he had seen.

4. The digging of wells

a. The Egyptians tried to dig wells.
b. They desperately needed to find fresh and clean water to drink.
c. They could not collect water from the River Nile to drink, as they had in the past.
d. They could not find any fresh water supply because God had judged and cursed all the bodies of water in the land of Egypt.

5. The length of this judgment from the Lord

a. This judgment would last for seven days.
b. Pharaoh would have to ponder deeply the word of God delivered to him.

经文:出埃及记 7:22-25


《出埃及记 7:22-25》



1. 埃及的法术师

a. 他们学会行邪术
b. 他们认为他们的邪术很厉害

2. 他们做不到的事

a. 他们无法扭转上帝所做的事
b. 他们只能假装他们也能够把水变做血
c. 他们在“重复”摩西和亚伦的奇迹
d. 这是为了显示他们有同样的能力
e. 若他们能够扭转上帝所做的,才能显现真正的能力
f. 但他们当然无法做到

3. 法老的反应

a. 他转身进宫
b. 他不把所见到的事放在心上

4. 在河边挖井

a. 埃及人试着挖井
b. 他们急着找清洁的水喝
c. 他们不能如以往一样,从尼罗河取水喝
d. 他们无法找到清洁的水源因为上帝审判以及诅咒了埃及遍地的水

5. 审判的期间来自上帝

a. 这审判会持续七天
b. 法老得深思上帝给他的话语