Daily Devotions


Day 41

"God tests them"

Text: Ecclesiastes 3:18


Only God the Creator has immortality. All that God has created is subjected to mortality, both animals and mankind.

“I said in my heart,
‘Concerning the condition of the sons of men,
God tests them, that they may see
that they themselves are like animals.'”
Ecclesiastes 3:18

1. “I said in my heart”

a) This has become a common phrase (Ecclesiastes 2:1, 15; 3:18).
b) A closely related phrase:

“I communed with my heart…”
Ecclesiastes 1:16

2. The significance of this phrase

a) To indicate his musing.
b) To suggest that he is thinking deeply over things.
c) He is working out the meaning of all that he has been observing in life.

3. “Concerning the condition of the sons of men”

a) The phrase “sons of men”.
i) It is another way of describing “mankind”.
ii) It may simply be read as “man”.
b) The phrase may be rendered:
i) “Concerning man”
ii) All generations of mankind are included.

4. “God tests them”

a) The testing of man is within the prerogative of God.
b) God has every right to test mankind.
c) Man is supposed to learn important lessons of life through the tests of life.

5. “That they may see that they themselves are like animals”

a) This word needs to be understood carefully.
b) What it does not say:
i) That man are animals.
ii) That man and animals are the same.
c) When God created man (Genesis 1 and 2)
i) Man was created in God’s image.
ii) He was capable of righteousness and holiness.
d) But should man choose the path of sin and unrighteousness:
i) He would be like an animal.
ii) He would not be able to reflect the image of God.
iii) The nobility he was capable of displaying, would not be made manifest.

e) “That they may see”
i) Through reflection.
ii) Through failing God’s tests.
iii) Through understanding.
iv) Man can become unfeeling, ungrateful and wild.
f) “Like animals”
i) This is a solemn word.
ii) This word is all too possible.