Daily Devotions


Day 67

"To go as he came"

Text: Ecclesiastes 5:15


Solomon learned to be honest and candid with his observations of life. He looked at what Man sought in life. He sought riches, fame and power. He seemed to have forgotten that at the end of life, we can take nothing with us.

“As he came from his mother’s womb, naked shall he return,
To go as he came;
And he shall take nothing from his labour
Which he may carry away in his hand.”
Ecclesiastes 5:15

1. “As he came from his mother’s womb”

a) Solomon traced life to its original state.
b) A baby comes from his mother’s womb.
i) Weak
ii) Dependent
iii) Naked

2. “Naked shall he return, to go as he came”

a) The word “naked” with reference to a child means, “without clothes”.
b) The word “naked” when it is applied to a person who has died does not have the same meaning.
c) At birth
i) A baby is born with nothing except his body and soul.
ii) This is a humbling reality.
d) At death
i) The man is like a baby with nothing but his body and soul too.
ii) He may be finely dressed up for his burial but what is that?
iii) This is a humbling thought indeed!
iv) We will go as when we came.

3. “And he shall take nothing from his labour which he may carry away in his hand”

a) What if the man has laboured hard and well?
i) He has achieved fame.
ii) He gained power.
iii) He accumulated immense wealth.
b) At death, he can carry nothing with him.
i) His fame dies with him.
ii) His wealth serves him not at all.
iii) He came into the world empty-handed.

He will leave the world with nothing in his hand too!