Daily Devotions


Day 106

"Keep the king's commandment"

Text: Ecclesiastes 8:2


There were Scriptural instruction concerning the behaviour of kings. Moses wrote on this subject (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). The Lord already knew that Israel would one day ask for a king to rule the nation.

The prophet Samuel was the one who crowned Saul as the first king of Israel and he also wrote about the behaviour of a king (1 Samuel 10:25). Unfortunately, the content of what he wrote was not preserved.

Solomon wrote to explain how to understand and relate to the king of the nation. He wrote this from the standpoint of one who was himself the ruler of Israel.

“I say,
‘Keep the king’s commandment
for the sake of your oath to God.'”
Ecclesiastes 8:2

1. “I say”

a) Solomon did not cite Scripture.
b) He was giving his personal opinion in this text.
c) As we read Ecclesiastes, we can appreciate that Solomon wrote:
i) Carefully
ii) Astutely
iii) Wisely
d) His words of advice are not to be dismissed easily.

2. “Keep the king’s commandment”

a) A king obviously is endowed with
i) Authority to rule.
ii) Power to enforce.
iii) Some rights and privileges associated with royalty.
b) “Commandment”
i) A king has the right to issue commandments.
ii) He can command the army to defend the country.
iii) He can command the judge to uphold justice.
iv) He can command the princes to do their part for the good of the country.
c) His commandments are to be kept.
i) To be understood.
ii) To be obeyed humbly.

3. “For the sake of your oath to God”

a) This is to be understood in the context of those who serve the king.
b) All who serve must swear an oath in the name of God.
c) Some features of an oath of service to the King and country.
i) Allegiance/loyalty to the King.
ii) Obedience to the law of the land.
iii) Upholding of justice.
iv) Defence of the nation.
d) All who have taken such an oath of office must fulfil their duties faithfully.
i) For the sake of their oath they may have to make some sacrifices.
ii) For the sake of their oath they must seek to be loyal.
iii) For the sake of their oath they must be free from corruption.
e) These are basic expectations from the king.
f) All who are truly patriotic would recognize that these are reasonable rules.