Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 126

Text: Exodus 21: 1-6


Exodus 21:1-6

1“Now these are the judgments which you shall set before them:
2 If you buy a Hebrew servant, he shall serve six years; and in the seventh he shall go out free and pay nothing.
3 If he comes in by himself, he shall go out by himself; if he comes in married, then his wife shall go out with him.
4 If his master has given him a wife, and she has borne him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master’s, and he shall go out by himself.
5 But if the servant plainly says, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,’
6 then his master shall bring him to the judges. He shall also bring him to the door, or to the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him forever.


1. The Commandments of the LORD

a. There were 10 Commandments the LORD specifically gave to Israel.
b. These may be called Moral laws.

2. The Judgments

a. These were not from God directly.
b. But they were nevertheless important to Israel.

3. Moses and the Judicial system of Israel

a. Moses was the sole judge for a while.
b. Under the advice of Jethro, Moses selected others to become judges.
c. These judges would come up with “judgments” that would become part of the Judiciary system of ancient Israel.
4. The Judgment concerning Hebrew slaves
a. A Hebrew can end up being a slave (he may be in debt and he is sold as a slave..
b. Most slaves serve for a lifetime.
c. But not Hebrew slaves.
d. He is to serve for only 6 years.
e. On the seventh year, he must be set free!
f. His debts are cancelled on the seventh year.

5. If he became a slave as a single man

He is to be freed as a single man.

6. If he became a slave as a married man

He will be freed with his wife.

7. If he was single

a. But he was given a wife
b. And he has children from the marriage
c. He is to be released but his wife and children will belong to the master

8. But the slave may choose to remain a bond-slave

a. He may have the following reasons:
i. He loves his master.
ii. He loves his wife.
iii. He loves his children.
b. He may ask his master to bring him to the judges.
i. He will publicly declare that he wants to remain a slave to his master.
ii. His master will then pierce his ear with an awl.
iii. He will then become a bond-slave for the rest of his life.

经文:出埃及记 21:1-6


《出埃及记 21:1-6》




a. 上帝特别给以色列十诫
b. 这十诫也能被称为“道诫”


a. 这不直接出自于上帝
b. 但对以色列依然很重要

3. 摩西和以色列的司法系统

a. 摩西有一段时间是以色列唯一的审判官
b. 在叶忒罗的劝告之下,摩西挑选了一些其他的审判官
c. 这些审判官会立下典章,成为古以色列的司法系统的一部分

4. 关于希伯来奴仆的典章

a. 一位希伯来人有可能最终成为奴仆(他或许欠债而被债主当奴仆卖)
b. 奴仆通常必服侍一辈子
c. 但希伯来奴仆却不一样
d. 他只须服侍六年
e. 他将在第七年被释放!
f. 他的债会在第七年被消除

5. 若他孤身成为奴仆


6. 若他成为奴仆时有妻


7. 若他孤身

a. 但他主人给他妻子
b. 而他在婚姻中有了孩子
c. 他得独自出去,妻子和儿女要归主人

8. 但奴仆能选择当一辈子的奴仆

a. 他或许有以下的理由:
i. 他爱他的主人
ii. 他爱他的妻子
iii. 他爱他的孩子
b. 他能要求主人带他到审判官那里
i. 他会公开地宣布他想要一辈子服侍他的主人
ii. 之后他的主人会用锥子穿他的耳朵
iii. 这位仆人将永远服侍他的主人