Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 140

Text: Exodus 22: 18-19


Exodus 22:18-19

18 “You shall not permit a sorceress to live.
19 “Whoever lies with an animal shall surely be put to death.


1. Evil activities

a. Many of these abound in the land of Canaan.
b. The nations in Canaan practised all kinds of dark and evil things.

2. Some of the occult activities

a. Contacting the dead
b. Sorcery
c. Idolatry

3. Sorceress

a. This would be a woman.
b. Should she be spared because she is a woman?
c. The answer is simply “No!”

4. Sorcery

a. This is associated with Satan.
b. The influence from the wicked nations must not be allowed to enter Israel.
c. Sorcerers and Sorceresses must be punished according to the Mosaic law.
d. The evil they promote was deadly.
e. The harsh penalty was meant to be a deterrent.
f. There was deep wisdom behind this law.

5. Lying with animals

a. This was a gross sin.
b. An even equally harsh penalty would be meted out against those who have sexual relations with animals!
c. This law was also laid out as a strong deterrent.

经文:出埃及记 22:18-19


《出埃及记 22:18-19》



1. 邪恶的活动

a. 这些活动在迦南地比比皆是
b. 迦南名族人有着各种黑暗与邪恶的习俗

2. 一些超自然的玄秘活动

a. 试着与那些已死去的人通灵
b. 巫术
c. 偶像崇拜

3. 行邪术的巫婆

a. 这将会是个女人
b. 她该因是女人而得到饶恕吗?
c. 答案是“不能!”

4. 邪术

a. 这与撒旦有关联
b. 邪恶民族的影响不该进入以色列
c. 行邪术的人都要按照摩西的律法惩罚与处治
d. 他们所宣传的邪恶是致命的
e. 严厉的处罚方式是为了起到威慑的作用
f. 在这律法的背后含有很深奥的智慧

5. 与兽淫合

a. 这是严重的罪过
b. 与动物发生性行为的人将受到同样严厉的惩罚!
c. 这律法也是为了起威慑作用