Daily Devotions


Day 137

"A little folly"

Text: Ecclesiastes 10:1


The value of wisdom is well established. Solomon now looks at the problems that “a little folly” can create in life.

“Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment,
And cause it to give off a foul odour;
So does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honour.”
Ecclesiastes 10:1

1. “Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment, and cause it to give off a foul odour”

a) The art of making perfume

i) Perfume was known to be used even in ancient times.

ii) The making of good perfume was an art.

b) The process

i) It was all hand-made.

ii) Natural ingredients were collected and carefully mixed.

iii) The greatest of care must be taken by the perfumer.

c) “Dead flies”

i) Flies are attracted to the ointment naturally.

ii) The scent would be sweet and attractive.

iii) The perfumer must take utmost care to make sure that no flies
would drop into the ointment.

iv) The flies would of course die in the vessel where the ointment is being made.

v) The presence of the dead flies would immediately “putrefy” the perfume.

vi) That batch of perfume cannot be used because it has become polluted.

vii) An odour would arise adversely affecting the quality of the perfume.

viii) Flies may be small in size but it has a terrible effect.

2. “So does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honour”

a) A good reputation is hard to attain.

b) Respect is given to one who has displayed qualities of:

i) Wisdom

ii) Honour

c) Folly must be avoided at all costs!

i) It would be like “dead flies”.

ii) It would tarnish the reputation of the respected wise man.