Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 168

Text: Exodus 24:12-15


Exodus 24:12-15

12 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Come up to Me on the mountain and be there; and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and commandments which I have written, that you may teach them.”
13 So Moses arose with his assistant Joshua, and Moses went up to the mountain of God.
14 And he said to the elders, “Wait here for us until we come back to you. Indeed, Aaron and Hur are with you. If any man has a difficulty, let him go to them.”
15 Then Moses went up into the mountain, and a cloud covered the mountain.


1. The Lord’s word to Moses

a. To go up to a higher level in the mountain.
b. God would give him “the law and commandments”.
c. God would write these commandments on two tablets of stone.
d. Moses would then be able to teach the children of Israel God’s law and commandments.

2. The response of Moses

a. He arose immediately to God’s word.
b. Joshua was introduced here as the assistant of Moses.
i. He would accompany Moses.
ii. He would assist him in any way he could.

3. Informing the elders

a. They were to wait for Moses while he ascended the mountain.
b. Aaron and Hur would be with them.
c. If there were difficulties the children of Israel could seek their counsel.

4. Moses then ascended the mountain to be with the Lord and to be further instructed

a. Though there was a book of the Covenant, Moses knew that there were other things God wanted him to learn.
b. The Book of the Covenant contained only basic laws.
c. Other teachings would be necessary to give guidance to the whole nation.

经文:出埃及记 24:12-15


《出埃及记 24: 12-15》
12 耶和华对摩西说:“你上山到我这里来,住在这里,我要将石版并我所写的律法和诫命赐给你,使你可以教训百姓。”
13 摩西和他的帮手约书亚起来,上了神的山。
14 摩西对长老说:“你们在这里等着,等到我们再回来。有亚伦、户珥与你们同在,凡有争讼的,都可以就近他们去。”

15 摩西上山,有云彩把山遮盖。


1. 上帝对摩西说的话

a. 上帝叫摩西到山上更高的位置
b. 上帝会给他“律法和诫命”
c. 上帝会将这些律法和诫命写在两块石版上
d. 摩西便可以教导以色列人上帝的律法和诫命

2. 摩西的反应

a. 他听了上帝的话立刻起来
b. 约书亚在这里被介绍为摩西的助手
i. 他会陪着摩西
ii. 他将尽其所能协助他

3. 通知长老

a. 他们要等摩西登上山
b. 有亚伦、户珥将与他们同在
c. 如果有困难,以色列人可以寻求他们的意见

4. 然后,摩西登上山与上帝同在,并受到进一步的指示

a. 尽管有一本立约的书,但摩西知道上帝还想让他学习其他的东西
b. 立约仅包含基本律法
c. 如果要引导整个国家,还需要其他教义