Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 171

Text: Exodus 25:8-9


Exodus 25:8-9

8 And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.
9 According to all that I show you, that is, the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, just so you shall make it.


1. The purpose of the collection

a. The different materials were for the making of a sanctuary.
b. The meaning of the word “sanctuary”:
i. A sacred place
ii. A holy place
iii. A place for worship

2. The symbolic meaning of the sanctuary

a. This would be a dwelling place for God.
b. He would dwell among the children of Israel.
c. This was a wonderful blessing that God would give to His people.

3. The erection of a Tabernacle

a. The sanctuary of God would be a Tabernacle.
b. The word “Tabernacle” simply means “Tent”.

4. The pattern that Moses must use

a. God would give Moses the pattern to model the Tabernacle after.
b. The making of the furnishings must also be done after the pattern God would give.
c. Moses must obey the instructions God would give to him.
d. The sanctuary or Tabernacle was to be a sacred place for worship.
Thus, great care must be taken to obey the Lord’s instructions fully.

经文:出埃及记 25:8-9


《出埃及记 25:8-9》
8 又当为我造圣所,使我可以住在他们中间。

9 制造帐幕和其中的一切器具,都要照我所指示你的样式。


1. 收集礼物的目的

a. 这各种材料都是为了造圣所
b. “圣所”这个词的意思
i. 一个神圣的地方
ii. 一个圣洁之处
iii. 一个敬拜的场所

2. 圣所的象征意义

a. 这是上帝的居所
b. 祂必住在以色列人中间
c. 这是上帝赐给祂子民美好的祝福

3. 制造帐幕

a. 上帝的圣所就是帐幕
b. “帐幕”指的就是所制造的“帐篷”

4. 摩西必须遵照的样式

a. 摩西必照上帝所指示的样式制造帐幕
b. 其中的一切器具也要照上帝所指示的样式
c. 摩西必须完全按照上帝的指示
d. 这圣所或帐幕将是一个神圣的敬拜场所。