Seasons Of Life, Time, And Purpose
By Pastor Mitch
May 14, 2021
During the week, a second cousin of mine just passed away from lung cancer. She was only 53 years of age. What is poignant is that she is the same age as me! As I reflected over this, I am reminded once again of how life is ephemeral and death comes all too soon. Some weeks ago, pastor spoke at the memorial of the late Mr. Lai (Olivia, Leon and Jerome’s grandfather) and he talked about how God has given us seasons of life, time and purpose on this earth.
To everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under heaven.” Eccl. 3:1
- Seasons of life
We all have been given seasons of life; childhood, youth, adulthood and old age. One season of life is superseded by another. What matters most is what we seek to do during each season of life. The challenge is to make full use of each window of opportunity given to us.
- Time
There is also the concept of time. There is a time for everything in life. There is a time to live and a time to die. There is a time to plant and a time to pluck what has been planted (Eccl. 3:3). We are to use wisely the time that the Lord has been given to us.
- Purpose
In the seasons of life and the time given to us, we can also find a sense of purpose. There is a time for every purpose in life. Life is meant to be lived with meaning and certainty. Purpose is meant to be discovered bit by bit as we go through life. May you find clarity of resolve even in your studies and work.
I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied.” Eccl. 3:10
The idea of task is different from purpose. The God-given task is something we do every day. We are to do what God has given to us to do; whether it is studying or working. It is through the daily task of life and time that we can eventually find a definite sense of purpose for life. As we seek the Lord and His word each day, we can find meaning to our existence. Let’s seek to be occupied with the task that God has given us to do. And as we do them well, let’s seek the Lord in prayer that we may also find a sense of purpose; to live righteously, to do good to others and to rejoice in what He has blessed us with. May we fulfill the purpose that God has given to us to do.