Remembering Dad

by Pastor Mark
June 17, 2021

In memory of Dad

We will be celebrating Father’s Day this Sunday. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all fathers a “Blessed and Happy Father’s Day!” We thank God for fathers for we recognise the vital role that they play in raising us. It will also be a time for me to remember my dad as it will be our first Father’s Day without him. I was glad to hear from my mom that she still wanted to celebrate this special day. My mom and family still miss my dad. I thought I would share some special memories of Dad.

A “great” father

Fathers are “great” in their special way to their children. Using the acronym “great”, I would like to remember my dad and pay tribute to all fathers.

1. God’s love

God has loved us with an everlasting kind of love (Jer 31:3). I caught a glimpse of God’s love through my dad’s lasting love. He truly loved my brothers and me from when we were born to the time when he left us. It was a love that was faithful and true. When our relationship with Dad was tested, he never failed to show us his love. He loved us right to the end.

2. Resolute

Being a father takes resoluteness. It takes resoluteness to raise three sons and to support us through the tough times. I appreciate how my dad worked hard in his job, which took much resoluteness to put food on the table. He had to go through his fair share of challenges. Whether it was work issues, physical difficulties or unexpected financial challenges, God gave him the strength and the resoluteness to overcome all of them.

3. Encouragement

The Apostle Paul wrote of how he sought to exhort and comfort the Thessalonian church as a father does his son (1 Thess 2:11). I appreciate how my dad always sought to encourage me. When I was studying in Perth, I received my first and only letter from him. Emails did not exist then. He encouraged me to plan my time well and to work hard. He said that he was praying for me. Those words deeply touched me. Thank God for fathers who are always encouraging.

4. Assistance

One thing that stood out about my dad was how willing he was to assist and help us if it was within his power. His assistance came in so many forms, such as being there for us, giving financial help and so on. Dad made special plans to provide for the family, even after his death. His desire to assist went beyond our family to all who needed his help. Dad was always willing to give help to someone calling in the middle of the night or someone who needed prolonged assistance. He was ever willing to show kindness and support.

5. Thankful

I remember my dad as one who always thanked God for His grace and mercy. Whether it was overcoming a health issue, surviving an accident or living another year of life, Dad would always be grateful with joy. At our family dinners, Dad would always say grace and give thanks to God for His manifold blessings.

I thank God for my dad for being such a “great” dad. Let us remember and thank God for our dads for being “great” in their own special ways.

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