Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 223

Text: Exodus 32: 25-26


Exodus 32:25-26

25 Now when Moses saw that the people were unrestrained (for Aaron had not restrained them, to their shame among their enemies),
26 then Moses stood in the entrance of the camp, and said, “Whoever is on the LORD’s side—come to me!” And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him.


1. Moses did not pursue this conversation with Aaron

a. It would have led to nowhere.
b. He had already shown his angry disapproval to Aaron.
c. He had destroyed the idol.

2. Moses surveyed the scene

a. The idolaters had been unrestrained.
b. Aaron had failed to restrain them.
c. Their lack of restrain would be shamed by their enemies.
i. They would have mocked Israel.
ii. They would have spoken evil against Israel’s God.

3. Moses’ decision

a. He had to make a difficult decision.
i. This sin was too great to merely demolish the idol.
ii. He knew that he had to establish his leadership all over again.
iii. If this sin was not dealt with thoroughly, things would easily get out of hand again.
b. He went to the entrance of the Camp.
i. He made a challenging call to all.
ii. Would anybody be on the Lord’s side?
iii. That there were two sides must be made clear.
iv. There was the Lord’s side and there was “the other side”.
c. An invitation issued:
i. The sons of Levi responded immediately.
ii. These had understood what Moses had meant.
iii. They must make a choice.
iv. The Levites chose to be on the Lord’s side!

经文:出埃及记 32:25-26


《出埃及记 32:25-26》
25 摩西见百姓放肆(亚伦纵容他们,使他们在仇敌中间被讥刺),

26 就站在营门中,说:“凡属耶和华的,都要到我这里来!”于是利未的子孙都到他那里聚集。



a. 再继续谈也不会有结果
b. 他已表明了他对亚伦的愤怒和反对
c. 他也摧毁了偶像


a. 百姓放肆
b. 亚伦纵容他们
c. 这使他们在仇敌中间被讥刺
i. 仇敌嘲笑以色列
ii. 他们批评以色列的上帝


a. 他必须做出艰难的决定
i. 毁了偶像不足弥补这罪过
ii. 他知道他必须重新建立他的领导权
iii. 如果不彻底解决这罪过,事情很容易再次失控
b. 他到了营门中
i. 向所有人发出了挑战性的呼吁
ii. 谁是属上帝的?
iii. 很明显的有两边
iv. 属上帝的一边和不属祂的另一边
i. 利未的儿子们立即做出了反应
ii. 他们明白摩西的意思
iii. 他们必须做出选择
iv. 利未人选择站在上帝那边!