Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 226

Text: Exodus 32: 33-35


Exodus 32:33-35

33 And the LORD said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book.
34 Now therefore, go, lead the people to the place of which I have spoken to you. Behold, My Angel shall go before you. Nevertheless, in the day when I visit for punishment, I will visit punishment upon them for their sin.”
35 So the LORD plagued the people because of what they did with the calf which Aaron made.


1. God’s reply to Moses

a. Moses had many more lessons to learn about God.
b. God had to instruct him further.
c. He also had to correct Moses.

2. Sinning against God

a. Whoever sins
i. Deliberately
ii. Stubbornly
iii. Unrepentantly
b. That wicked sinner would be judged by the Lord.
i. If he is found guilty.
ii. His name would be blotted out of God’s book.
c. Moses cannot atone for their sins
i. He could not ask that his name is blotted out.
ii. In his place, the children of Israel be inserted.

3. The Future

a. The Journey to Canaan was still on-going.
b. God would send His Angel to lead them.

4. The punishment for their sin

a. If the children of Israel continue to sin,
b. God would have to deal with them with appropriate measures.

5. The plaguing of the people

a. 3000 may have died.
b. There were thousands more who had not been dealt with.
c. God was aware of the state of their heart.
d. They had chosen to worship an idol instead of the LORD their God.
e. He would deal with their sins when they arose.



《出埃及记 32:33-35》
33 耶和华对摩西说:“谁得罪我,我就从我的册上涂抹谁的名。
34 现在你去领这百姓,往我所告诉你的地方去,我的使者必在你前面引路,只是到我追讨的日子,我必追讨他们的罪。”

35 耶和华杀百姓的缘故是因他们同亚伦做了牛犊。


1. 上帝对摩西的回应

a. 摩西还有许多有关上帝要学习的教训
b. 上帝要继续指示他
c. 上帝也要纠正摩西

2. 得罪上帝

a. 不管谁犯罪
i. 刻意地
ii. 固执地
iii. 毫不悔改地
b. 邪恶的罪人将由上帝审判
i. 如果他被判有罪
ii. 他的名就从上帝的册上涂抹掉
c. 摩西无法为他们赎罪
i. 他不能要求自己的名从上帝的册上涂抹掉
ii. 他不能以自己代替以色列子民


a. 他们还在前往迦南的旅程中
b. 上帝必派祂的使者在他们前面引路

4. 他们的罪恶的惩罚

a. 如果以色列人民继续犯罪
b. 上帝必适当地追讨他们的罪

5. 百姓的困扰

a. 3000人已死了
b. 还有成千上万的百姓未得到处分
c. 上帝知道他们内心的状态
d. 他们选择拜神像而不是他们的上主
e. 必要时,上帝将追讨他们的罪