22 August 2021

Sunday Message for the Bilingual Brethren - 22 August 2021 : “By Faith”

Sunday Message for the Bilingual Brethren - 22 August 2021 : “By Faith”
Text: Hebrews 11:8, 9, 17-19

Rev Benjamin Chong
By Faith

Message Notes


1. The theme of “By Faith”

a. It is wonderful to speak of having faith
b. But the challenge is to apply faith into life

2. How can we apply faith into life?

a. We can learn through wonderful examples from the Bible
b. Today we will look at the life of Abraham

3. Key aspects of the “By Faith” concept

a. Principle of faith
b. Practice of faith
c. Personal faith-relationship with God


1. The principle of faith

a. A principle is something we live by
b. The principle of faith commences when we first believe in the Lord
c. Example of Abraham   (Hebrews 11:8)
i. Once Abraham did not have the principle of faith in his life
ii. It began the first time he obeyed the Lord by faith

2. The practice of faith

a. A principle of faith must be practised consciously and consistently
b. We may fail and make mistakes at times
c. But by faith, we can return to God
d. Example of Abraham   (Hebrews 11:9)
i. He was to dwell in the promised land
ii. But when there was a famine, he went to Egypt   (Genesis 12:10-20)
iii. This was a mistake
iv. By faith, he returned and dwelt in the land

3. A personal faith-relationship with God

a. Our faith is in the person of God
b. As we learn about God, we also learn to relate to Him in faith
c. Important lessons that Abraham learned about God   (Hebrews 11:17-19)
i. God always keeps His promises
ii. God has the power to do things beyond human reasoning


1. A test of faith

a. Abraham was to offer Isaac as a burnt offering   (Genesis 22:2)
b. This was a very challenging test
i. Emotionally challenging
ii. Difficult to understand

2. How did Abraham pass this test of faith?

a. He recalled lessons from the past
b. He applied them to the present

3. Important lessons of faith   (Hebrews 11:17-19)

a. He should not rely on human reasoning alone
b. He should instead wholeheartedly believe in God
i. God will keep His word
ii. God is able to do things that are beyond human reasoning

4. Result

a. Abraham believed in God wholeheartedly
b. He obeyed completely
c. He passed his test of faith


1. Remember lessons of faith from the past

a. The promises of God
b. The power of God

2. Apply them to your present situation

a. Believe in God wholeheartedly
b. Seek to obey Him completely

3. Cultivate a strong personal faith-relationship with God

a. Trust Him
b. Place your hope in Him