Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 6

Text: Luke 1: 18-20


1. The words of the angel sounded too good to be true

a. Personal message to Zacharias and Elizabeth.
b. Prophetic word concerning the ministry of John when he grows up.

2. Zacharias found it hard to have faith

a. “How shall I know this?” (Luke 1:18a)
b. “For I am an old man, and my wife is well-advanced in years.” (Luke 1:18b)
c. Why should these doubts be allowed to stand?

3. These words were not becoming of

a. A priest with a good reputation:
i. Of being righteous.
ii. Of walking blamelessly (Luke 1:6).
b. A priest offering incense to God (Luke 1:9).
i. He was chosen.
ii. He was deemed worthy of this task.

4. The rebuke of the angel of the Lord

a. He identified himself as the angel Gabriel.
b. He stood in the very presence of God.
c. He was specially sent to speak to Zacharias.
d. He had given him good news from God Himself (Luke 1:19).
e. To express doubt here was to doubt God Himself!

5. Chastisement of Zacharias

a. He will be mute.
b. Thus, he will not be able to speak until the words of the angel are fulfilled (Luke 1:20).

6. The Discipline of Zacharias

a. This has to be understood carefully.
b. No one is exempted from discipline.
i. Not age.
ii. Not position in life and ministry.
c. This discipline came from the Lord Himself through the angel Gabriel.



1. 使者的话令人难以置信

a. 给撒迦利亚与伊利莎白个人的信息
b. 这预言着约翰长大后的事工

2. 撒迦利亚无法得到信心

a. “我凭着什么可知道这事呢?”《路加福音 1:18a》
b. “我已经老了,我的妻子也年纪老迈了。”《路加福音 1:18b》
c. 为何让这些疑惑存留?

3. 这些话不宜形容

a. 一位名誉良好的祭司:
i. 是公义的
ii. 会遵行主的一切诫命礼仪,没有可指摘的《路加福音 1:6》
b. 一位进主殿烧香的祭司《路加福音 1:9》
i. 他被拣选
ii. 他被认为配得上这职分

4. 上帝的使者的斥责

a. 他自称为天使加百列
b. 他站在上帝的面前
c. 他特别奉差遣对撒迦利亚说话
d. 他将把来自上帝的好信息报给撒迦利亚《路加福音 1:19》
e. 在此表达疑惑就代表对上帝的疑惑!

5. 撒迦利亚的惩罚

a. 他必哑巴
b. 他必不能说话,直到这事成就的日子《路加福音 1:20》

6. 撒迦利亚的惩戒

a. 必须仔细理解这一点
b. 无人可免于受惩戒
i. 无论任何年龄
ii. 无论任何身份、地位或事工
c. 这是透过天使加百列,来自上帝的惩戒