Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 12

Text: Luke 1:49-56


1. Mary began her song of praise

a. On a personal note, recalling how God had blessed and honoured her.
b. She appreciated how the Lord had blessed her so personally (Luke 1:46-48).

2. The next stanza focused on the attributes of God

a. God is mighty. Luke 1:49a
b. He is holy. Luke 1:49b
c. He is merciful. Luke 1:50a
d. He is strong. Luke 1:51

3. Mary went on to praise God for what He has done

a. He had done great things for Mary (Luke 1:49a).
b. He shows mercy to all who fear Him (from generation to generation) {Luke 1:50}.
c. He has shown strength (Luke 1:51-52).
i. Scattering the proud.
ii. Putting down the mighty.
iii. Sending away the rich empty (Luke 1:53b).
d. On the other hand, His strength is shown.
i. Exalting the lowly (Luke 1:52b).
ii. Filled the hungry with good things (Luke 1:53a).
e. God’s help:
i. Given to His servant Israel (Luke 1:54a).
ii. Remembering His mercy (Luke 1:54b).
iii. As He promised to Abraham and other patriarchs (Luke 1:55).

经文:路加福音 1:49-56

赞美之歌 (二)

1. 马利亚开始她的赞美之歌

a. 以个人而言,回忆上帝如何赐福和顾念她
b. 她感谢主如何亲自赐福她《路加福音 1:46-48》

2. 下一节关注上帝的属性

a. 神有权能 《路加福音 1:49a》
b. 祂是圣洁的 《路加福音 1:49b》
c. 祂富有怜悯 《路加福音 1:50a》
d. 祂有大能 《路加福音 1:51》

3. 马利亚继续赞美上帝的作为

a. 祂为马利亚成就了大事 《路加福音 1:49a》
b. 祂怜悯敬畏祂的人(直到世世代代)《路加福音 1:50》
c. 祂显示了大能 《路加福音 1:51-52》
i. 狂傲的人被赶散
ii. 叫有权柄的失位
iii. 叫富足的空手回去 《路加福音 1:53b》
d. 另一方面,祂的力量显露出来
i. 叫卑贱的升高 《路加福音 1:52b》
ii. 叫饥饿的得饱美食 《路加福音 1:53a》
e. 上帝的扶助:
i. 赐给祂的仆人以色列《路加福音 1:54a》
ii. 记念祂的怜悯《路加福音 1:54b》
iii. 正如祂对亚伯拉罕和其他列祖的应许 《路加福音 1:55》