Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 14

Text: Luke 1: 67-74


1. The Holy Spirit now filled Zacharias

a. His unbelief had caused him to be chastised.
b. The unbelief was now gone.
c. A refreshed faith had come in.
d. This was the power of the Spirit of God at work.

2. New eyes of faith

Zacharias now offered praise to God.
(This is the meaning of the word “blessed”.) Luke 1:68a

a. God has visited His people . Luke 1:68b
b. He has redeemed them. Luke 1:68c
c. He has given salvation.
(The word “horn” is a symbol of power.) Luke 1:69a
d. God’s blessing will be upon the house of David Luke 1:69b
i. Joseph was from the house of David.
ii. Mary was also from the house of David.

3. Filled with wisdom from the Holy Spirit (Zacharias continued to speak)

a. God speaking
God had spoken through His prophets since the world began (Luke 1:70).
b. God’s promise of salvation
God had promised that His people would be saved from enemies who hated them (Luke 1:71).
c. God’s promise of mercy
He had promised to give mercy (Luke 1:72a).
d. God’s fulfilment of His holy covenant.
To fulfil His covenant word (Luke 1:72b).
e. God’s oath to Abraham
He had given an oath to Abraham (Luke 1:73).
f. God’s oath of deliverance
To deliver his descendants from enemies (Luke 1:74a).
g. The result of God keeping His promises
So that His people might serve Him (Luke 1:74b):
i. In holiness
ii. And righteousness always (Luke 1:75)

经文:路加福音 1:67-74


1. 圣灵现在充满了撒迦利亚

a. 他的不信导致他被惩戒
b. 这的不信现在不在了
c. 被一份新的信取代了
d. 这是圣灵的大能在动工

2. 新的信心之眼


(这是“称颂”的意思) 《路加福音 1:68a》

a. 上帝照顾祂的百姓 《路加福音 1:68b》
b. 祂为他们施行救赎 《路加福音 1:68c》
c. 祂拯救了他们 (“角”象征权力) 《路加福音 1:69a》
d. 上帝的赐福将在大卫家中 《路加福音 1:69b》
i. 约瑟来自大卫家

ii. 玛丽亚也来自大卫家

3. 充满圣灵所赐的智慧(撒迦利亚继续的说话)

a. 上帝说话
上帝从创世以来借着圣先知的口说话 《路加福音 1:70》
b. 上帝拯救人的应许
c. 上帝施怜悯的应许
上帝答应施怜悯 《路加福音 1:72a》
d. 上帝应验祂的圣约
为了应验祂的圣约 《路加福音 1:72b》
e. 上帝对亚伯拉罕所起的誓
祂对亚伯拉罕起了誓 《路加福音 1:73》
f. 上帝解救以色列人的誓
把他后裔从仇敌手中被救出来 《路加福音1:74a》
g. 上帝应验应许的结果
祂的子民会侍奉祂 《路加福音 1:74b》
i. 圣洁
ii. 永远公义 《路加福音 1:75》