Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 26

Text: Luke 2: 41-52

1. Back in Jerusalem for the Passover Feast

a. The Passover drew the faithful to Jerusalem to celebrate it.
b. This was commanded (Exodus 23; Deuteronomy 16).
c. Joseph and Mary faithfully attended all these religious feasts (Luke 2:41).

2. The Lord Jesus was now 12 years old

a. The parents were journeying back home to Nazareth
b. They assumed that the Lord Jesus was with some relatives/ friends (Luke 2:44)
c. But when they could not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem (Luke 2:45)

3. The search for the Lord Jesus

a. The parents sought for the Lord Jesus for three days
b. They finally found Him in the Temple
i. He was sitting among the teachers
ii. He was listening and asking questions (Luke 2:46)
c. He astonished everyone with His answers (Luke 2:47)

4. Finding the Lord Jesus at the Temple

a. The parents were amazed but also a little peeved
b. Mary’s protest
i. “Son, why have You done this to us?”
ii. “Your father and I have sought You anxiously” (Luke 2:48)

5. The Lord Jesus’ response

a. “Why did you seek Me”
b. “Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49)
c. The Lord Jesus was speaking about His Father in heaven!

6. Mary and Joseph

a. They did not understand what the Lord Jesus meant
b. They did not fully understand the Destiny of their Son

7. Back in Nazareth

a. The Lord Jesus returned with Mary and Joseph to Nazareth
b. He practised submission to them as He should (Luke 2:51)

8. Further growth noted about the Lord Jesus
Four aspects highlighted:

a. Intellectual aspect
Increase in wisdom
b. Physical aspect
And stature
c. Spiritual aspect
And in favour with God
d. Social aspect
And men

经文:路加福音 2:41-52


a. 逾越节吸引了信徒回到耶路撒冷庆祝
b. 这是上帝的吩咐《出埃及记 23;申命记 16》
c. 约瑟和马利亚会每年出席所有的宗教节日《路加福音 2:41》

2. 主耶稣当时十二岁

a. 父母正在回拿撒勒家的路上
b. 他们以为耶稣和亲族或熟识的人同行《路加福音 2:44》
c. 当他们找不着耶稣时,就回耶路撒冷去找他《路加福2:45》

3. 寻求主耶稣

a. 父母找了三天
b. 终于在圣殿里找到了耶稣
i. 祂坐在教师中间
ii. 一面听一面问《路加福音 2:46》
c. 耶稣的应对使所有人感到稀奇《路加福音 2:47》

4. 在圣殿里找到了主耶稣

a. 父母很惊讶,但也有点生气
b. 母亲对祂说
i. “我儿,为什么向我们这样行呢?”
ii. “看哪,你父亲和我伤心来找你!” 《路加福音 2:48》

5. 耶稣的回应

a. “为什么找我呢?”
b. “岂不知我应当以我父的事为念吗?”《路加福音 2:49》
c. 主耶稣说的是祂在天上的父!

6. 约瑟和马利亚

a. 他们不明白耶稣所说的这话
b. 他们不完全了解儿子的使命

7. 回到拿撒勒

a. 主耶稣和父母一同回到拿撒勒
b. 耶稣顺从他们 《路加福音 2:51》

8. 主耶稣继续地成长


a. 智力方面
b. 体格方面
c. 属灵方面
d. 人际方面