Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 31

Text: Luke 3:15-20


1. Speculation about John

a. Many had hoped for the Messiah (the Christ) to come.
b. There was speculation as to whether John was the Messiah (Luke 3:15).

2. Swift answer from John

a. He was not the Christ.
b. He was coming soon (Luke 3:16).
c. The Christ (Messiah)
i. He is mightier.
ii. John is not worthy to serve Him as a servant.
iii. One of the lowliest of servants was to take off the shoes of his master. John felt he was not even worthy enough to serve him at this level.
d. Ministry of the Messiah
i. John was merely using water as a symbol in his baptising.
ii. The Messiah will not be using a symbol when He baptises.
iii. He will baptise with the Holy Spirit.
iv. The Spirit of God would be like fire (Luke 3:16).
v. Fire is a symbol of cleansing and of burning away that which is bad.
e. One special ministry of the Messiah.
i. This work is compared to winnowing.
ii. He will clean up the threshing floor thoroughly with a fan in hand.
iii. He will gather the wheat into the barn.
iv. He will gather the chaff and set it aside for burning with fire that cannot be quenched (Luke 3:17).

3. A brief mention of John’s imprisonment

a. John criticised Herod the tetrarch who ruled Galilee.
b. Herod had “stolen” the wife of his brother (Herodias).
c. Herod reacted strongly and put John in jail.
This added to many other evil things he did (Luke 3:20).

经文:路加福音 3:15-20


1. 关于约翰的猜测 《路加福音 3:15》

a. 许多人盼望弥赛亚(基督)来临
b. 有人心里猜疑约翰是否就是基督

2. 约翰迅速地回答

a. 他不是基督
b. 基督快来了《路加福音 3:16》
c. 基督(弥赛亚)
i. 耶稣能力更强大
ii. 约翰不配以仆人的身份侍奉
iii. 脱掉主人的鞋子是仆人最卑微的工作。约翰觉得他甚至不配为耶稣服务
d. 弥赛亚的事工
i. 约翰只是在他施洗中使用水作为象征
ii. 弥赛亚在施洗时,不必使用象征
iii. 祂会用圣灵施洗
iv. 上帝的灵会像火一样 《路加福音 3:16》
v. 火是净化和烧掉坏东西的象征

e. 弥赛亚的一项特别事工
i. 这工作被比喻为“扬净”
ii. 祂手里拿着簸箕,要扬净祂的场
iii. 祂要把麦子收进仓里
iv. 祂会收集糠秕,把糠用不灭的火烧尽了《路加福音 3:17》

3. 简要提及约翰的监禁

a. 约翰批评了统治加利利的分封王希律
b. 希律“偷了”他兄弟(希罗底)的妻子
c. 希律反应强烈,把约翰关进监狱
这增加了他所做的许多其他恶事《路加福音 3:20》