Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 59

Text: Luke 6: 12-16


1. The Lord Jesus had a master-plan

a. He called some to be Disciples.
b. He instructed them.
c. His goal was to make them His Apostles.

2. Time was spent in prayer

a. A whole night was devoted to prayer (Luke 6:12).
b. Choosing must be done most carefully.
c. Seeking God in prayer was vital.
i. Consulting God
ii. Seeking Confirmation
iii. Receiving blessing of approval

3. The Choice of Twelve Apostles

a. There were multitudes.
b. Some followed the Lord Jesus as disciples (Luke 6:13a).
c. Out of the many disciples, only 12 were chosen to be apostles (Luke 6:13b).

4. The naming of the Apostles

a. This was done for the purpose of identification.
b. The names were given to certify who these Apostles were:
i. Simon Peter
ii. Andrew (the brother of Peter)
iii. James
iv. John
v. Philip
vi. Bartholomew (Nathanael)
vii. Matthew
viii. Thomas
ix. James the son of Alphaeus
x. Simon the Zealot
xi. Judas the son of James
xii. Judas Iscariot (the disciple-apostle who betrayed the Lord Jesus)

5. What about the other Disciples?

a. In humility, they accepted the Lord’s Choice.
b. They still followed the Lord Jesus as His disciples.
c. They had found faith in the Lord and would follow Him.
d. They went back to their professions and to the life they had.

经文:路加福音 6:12-16


1. 主耶稣有一个大计划

a. 祂呼召一些人成为祂的门徒
b. 祂指示他们
c. 祂的目标是使他们成为祂的使徒

2. 时间花在祷告上

a. 整夜在山上祷告《路加福音 6:12》
b. 要精心挑选
c. 在祷告里寻求上帝是非常重要的
i. 咨询上帝
ii. 寻求肯定
iii. 接受认可的祝福

3. 所挑选的十二使徒

a. 有众人
b. 有的是跟随主耶稣的门徒《路加福音 6:13a》
c. 在众多门徒中,只挑选十二个人,称他们为使徒《路加福音 6:13b》

4. 使徒的命名

a. 这是为了识别他们
b. 把名字列出以确认使徒的身份:
i. 西门彼得
ii. 安得烈 (彼得的兄弟)
iii. 雅各
iv. 约翰
v. 腓力
vi. 巴多罗买
vii. 马太
ix. 亚勒腓的儿子雅各
x. 奋锐党的西门
xi. 雅各的儿子犹大
xii. 卖主的加略人犹大

5. 其他门徒呢?

a. 他们谦卑地接受了主的挑选
b. 他们仍然以门徒的身份跟随主耶稣
c. 他们在主里找到了信心并愿意跟随祂
d. 他们回到了之前的工作和生活