Giving Attention To The Word Of God

by Pastor Mark
December 09, 2021


The challenge to give attention

In finding greater certainty in the Lord’s Word, we need to be that much more fervent in our study of the Scriptures. How fervent are we in knowing the Word of God? The Scriptures are vital in growing and sustaining our spiritual life and ministry. There should be a natural desire to read and study the Scriptures.

But we find ourselves lacking in our spiritual desires. We are drawn more to developing our careers, upgrading ourselves and enjoying the pleasures of this world. The challenge is to give our attention and time to know the Lord’s Word.

1. Warning concerning false teachings

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,” (1 Tim 4:1)

a. The word “prosecho” means “give attention or heed”.
b. It is to pay close attention and to be watchful.
c. The Apostle Paul warned Timothy about those who gave heed to false teachings (1 Tim 1:3).
d. Paul wrote about the latter times. The Holy Spirit revealed that some would depart from the faith and give attention to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.

Let us be warned and guard against such false teachings, which may cause us to depart from the faith.

2. Giving proper attention

a. Paul used “prosecho” with regards to areas for Timothy to work on.

“Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” (1 Tim 4:13)

i. Paul was anticipating his return to minister in Ephesus.
ii. But till then, he challenged Timothy to give attention to certain areas in his life and ministry.

b. Areas to give attention to

i. To pay attention to the reading of the Scriptures. This had to do with the reading of Scripture publicly. Timothy should give attention to the reading of the Lord’s Word consistently.
ii. To give attention to exhortation by bringing a word of comfort to the brethren
iii. Close attention is given to doctrine. Doctrine is vital for life and ministry. Timothy needed to give close attention to understanding doctrine…its depth and many aspects. Let us be encouraged to have greater depth and mastery of doctrine.

Wise to give attention to the Lord’s Word

The challenge is to give close attention to the Lord’s Word and doctrine. Let us have the wisdom and discernment not to be fooled by false doctrine that can cause us to depart from the faith. Let us be challenged to give full attention to our study of the Scriptures daily and fervently, that we may be more certain of the Lord and His Word this Christmas!

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