Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 122

Text: Luke 10: 4


“Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road.”

Luke 10:4

1. This sounds like a strange word of instruction.

2. What did the Lord Jesus mean when He gave this instruction?

3. The Lessons to be learned:

a. They are sent as Disciples of the Lord Jesus.
b. They must not lose their Focus.
c. They are going to preach to the people.
d. They are also going to tell them that the Lord Jesus was coming soon.

4. Potential problems avoided:

a. Don’t carry a money bag.
i. This would prevent any distraction.
ii. Some may be tempted to purchase souvenirs.
iii. Or even to buy snacks along the way.
b. Don’t carry a knapsack.
i. They are on a Mission.
ii. They must not carry lots of things with them.
iii. Nor collect things on the trip.
c. Nor sandals.
i. They were already wearing sandals.
ii. They would not need to bring extra sandals.
iii. Once again, this is to prevent any possible distraction to their work
d. Greeting no one.
i. This is to be understood in the cultural context of the day.
ii. Jewish greetings can be a long-drawn thing.
iii. The exchange of “gossip” would then be prevented.

经文:路加福音 10:4



《路加福音 10:4》

1. 这听起来像是一个奇怪的指示

2. 主耶稣给这指示的意思是什么?

3. 应吸取的教训:

a. 他们以主耶稣的门徒被差遣的
b. 他们不能失去焦点
c. 他们要向人传道
d. 他们也要告诉人们主耶稣来的时候将近

4. 避免潜在问题:

a. 不要带钱囊
i. 这将防止使他们分心
ii. 有些人可能会被诱惑购买纪念品
iii. 甚至沿途购买零食
b. 不要带口袋
i. 他们在执行任务
ii. 不得随身携带大量物品
iii. 也不得在旅途中收集物品
c. 不要带鞋
i. 他们已经穿着鞋了
ii. 他们不需要带额外的鞋
iii. 再次强调,这是为了防止任何可能干扰其工作的因素
d. 不要问人的安
i. 这必须在当时的文化背景下理解
ii. 犹太人的问候可能会长篇大论
iii. 届时,“八卦”的交流便会被防止