The Lord Upholds Us

by Pastor Mark
February 03, 2022

Treasuring God

I would like to wish everyone, “Blessed and Happy Lunar New Year!” As we celebrate this the New Year, one thought that I have been dwelling upon is the idea of treasuring God. We have every reason to treasure the Lord. But we may not be treasuring Him as we should.

There is the danger that we may be valuing the things of the world far more than the Lord. We tend to complain about not having what we desire, like a better career or working environment. When we fret over the harsh realities of life, we may end up seeking the things of this world for our comfort.

Our challenge is to treasure the Lord for who He is and all that He has done for us. How can we learn to treasure the Lord more deeply?

Treasuring God may start with tracing His hand in our lives

  1. It is good for us to take time to trace the hand of God.
  2. He has been involved in our lives through good and bad times.
  3. The Lord has been upholding us with His hand (Psalm 37:17,24). As my family celebrated the Lunar New Year, the absence of my parents and my mother-in-law was felt. They continue to be dearly missed. But as I trace back to the difficult moments when they passed on, I see the hand of God evidenced in upholding us as a family.
  4. The Lord continues to be there for us and to graciously uphold us.

Let us appreciate how precious our Lord is in upholding us through our challenging times.

The touch of God’s hand

  1. As we trace the Lord’s hand, our hearts should be touched. How do we sense the touch of God’s hand in our lives?
  2. Behind the hand of God is His love and He seeks to move us with His love.
  3. Lovingly, the Lord helps us in our time of need. One way in which the love of God touched me was how many from Bethany showed their love to my family and me during our times of grief. The love of the Lord revealed through Bethany was deeply appreciated and should never be taken for granted.

Let us be touched by the love of God manifested by His hand in our lives.

Moved to be thankful

  1. As the Lord touches our hearts, our natural response should be one of thanksgiving.
  2. Our heart should be filled with thanksgiving for all the things that God has blessed us with. 3. The Lord has been there to provide for all of our needs (Psalm 37:4).
  3. He has protected us, especially during this COVID pandemic (Psalm 37:24).
  4. God has preserved us from any serious harm (Psalm 37:28).
  5. Let us be grateful to God for touching our lives in so many ways.

Let us be challenged to be thankful for His manifold blessings upon our lives.

A heart that treasures God

We have a loving and merciful God. He seeks to do all He can for us. He is a precious God whose hand is truly evident in upholding our lives. Let us be challenged to treasure Him for the way that He has touched our lives. Let us be challenged to always hold Him dear to our hearts as we enter the Lunar New Year.

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