The Challenge To Offer Praise At A Deeper Level

by Pastor Mark
March 31, 2022


Praising God in Bethany

This Sunday, we will be resuming the singing of praises to the Lord at our Morning Worship Service. This is a day that many of us have been waiting for. We thank God that there has been a further relaxation of the government’s COVID-19 measures so that we may offer worship to the Lord in song once again.

The practice of praising God together

As we prepare our hearts to worship, let us renew our commitment to practise praising the Lord. The Psalmist wrote, “Praise the Lord! I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright and in the congregation.” (Psalm 111:1) How should we be praising the Lord?

1. With our whole heart. God deserves nothing less in our praise of Him.
2. As a whole congregation. Something that we have dearly missed and our desire must be to come together to give collective praise to Him as a church.

Reasons for giving praise to the Lord

1. The wonderful works of God

a. Studying the works of God (Psalm 111:2)
i. The works of God are meant to be studied.
ii. They are studied by those who take pleasure in God and His works.
iii. There are deeper insights to discover in studying them.
b. Features of the works of God (Psalm 111:2,3)
i. Great, honourable, glorious
ii. These adjectives, used to describe the works of God, reveal how excellent and unparalleled His works are. These glorious works are divine in nature and are truly memorable so that we will not forget them. God’s wonderful works are a good reason for us to praise Him.

2. The Person of God

a. Behind the works of God is the Person of God.
i. The Person of God is inextricably linked to His works.
ii. The works of God reflect who He is…all that He is.
b. Attributes of God (Psalm 111:3,4)
i. His righteousness endures forever.
ii. His graciousness is evidenced in all His works.
iii. He is full of compassion.

Can we see God and all that He is in the great works that He has done? Let us stand in awe of God and His attributes as we give Him worship and praise.

Let us be challenged to make it our commitment to offer praise to God with a greater depth of understanding this Sunday, in the year ahead and always!

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