Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 249

Text: Luke 20: 45-47


“Then, in the hearing of all the people, He said to His disciples, ‘Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes, love greetings in the marketplaces, the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts, who devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation.’”

Luke 20:45-47

1. The Pharisees

a. They sent spies to trick the Lord Jesus into making comments about paying taxes.
b. They failed.

2. The Sadducees

a. They came up with a ridiculous story about seven brothers marrying the same woman.
b. They tried to ridicule the doctrine of the resurrection.
c. They also failed.

3. The scribes

a. They commended the Lord Jesus for speaking so well.
b. They did not make an attempt to ensnare the Lord Jesus.
c. But they were just as wicked as the other two groups of enemies.

4. The activities of the scribes noted.

a. These activities were well-known to all in Israel.
b. The Lord Jesus highlighted the following:
i. Noticeable dressing: They desire to go around in long robes
ii. Greeting: They love greetings in the marketplaces.
iii. Honoured seating: They seek the best seats in the synagogues.
iv. Best seats at Feasts: They desire the best places at feasts.
v. Cruelty: They devour widows’ houses.
vi. Pretence (hypocrisy): For a pretence they make long prayers.
c. Judgment and Condemnation: These will receive greater condemnation.

经文:路加福音 20:45-47



《路加福音 20:45-47》

1. 法利赛人

a. 他们派遣间谍试图引导主耶稣做出对于交税的回应

b. 他们失败了

2. 撒都该人

a. 他们编造一个七兄弟娶同个妇人的故事

b. 他们试图嘲讽关于复活的教训

c. 他们也失败了

3. 文士

a. 他们称赞主耶稣做出好的回应

b. 他们无法诱捕主耶稣

c. 他们和前两组的敌人同样地邪恶

4. 文士的行为

a. 他们的行为在以色列有目共睹

b. 主耶稣提到以下的行为:

i. 穿着:他们穿长衣游行

ii. 问安:他们喜爱在街市上问安

iii. 堂里的高位:他们坐在圣堂里最好的位子

iv. 筵席上的首座:他们也在筵席上要求最好的位子

v. 残忍的行为:他们侵吞寡妇的家产

vi. 虚伪:他们会假意作很长的祷告

c. 判决和谴责:他们的行为将会遭受极大的谴责