Seeking The Lord

by Pastor Mark
December 15, 2022


Dealing with problems

Facing problems is part and parcel of life and ministry. We tend to be fearful and anxious over our difficulties, which may make us feel overwhelmed. Part of the issue is our approach to dealing with these problems. We are always looking for solutions to our problems and want things to be resolved as quickly as possible. But what if there are no solutions to our problems? It is an outcome we would rather not entertain. David had his fair share of issues. But in some instances, instead of turning to the Lord, he sought to take matters into his own hands and made serious mistakes along the way.

Making mistakes in life

  1. A difficult problem that David faced was the relentless pursuit of King Saul to kill him.
  2. It caused David to flee for his life.
  3. One serious mistake that David made was to seek the help of Ahimelech (1 Samuel 21).
  4. When Saul was informed that Ahimelech had assisted David and his men, he ordered the execution of Ahimelech and all 85 priests of Nob.
  5. When David heard this report, he regretted seeking the help of Ahimelech (1 Samuel 22).
  6. Such serious mistakes have devastating consequences that may affect many.
  7. If we do not have the right approach to our problems, we will end up making serious mistakes too.

How could such mistakes be prevented when facing problems in life and ministry?

The right approach to dealing with our problems

1. Seeking the Lord

  1. David learnt deep lessons from the problems of life.
  2. He learnt to seek the Lord personally and not rely on himself (Psalm 34:4).
  3. He observed how others sought the Lord and were radiant with joy (Psalm 34:5).
  4. When David humbly cried out as a poor man, the Lord delivered him (Psalm 34:6).
  5. David learnt that seeking the Lord should have the first priority in facing life’s problems.
  6. Our challenge is to seek the Lord always and not take matters into our own hands.

2. A deeper appreciation of the Person of God

  1. David learnt many deep lessons about the Person of God.
  2. He appreciated God as One who watches over the righteous (Psalm 34:15).
  3. He also discovered that when the righteous cry out, the Lord will hear (Psalm 34:17).
  4. He gained further insights about the Lord, who is near to those who have a humble and contrite heart (Psalm 34:18).
  5. When we seek the Lord, we can gain further deep insights of who God is and what He can do for us.

3. Our way of life matters

  1. Who we are matters to God, in our relationship with Him.
  2. What kind of heart, mind and spirit we have is being watched by the Lord.
  3. We ought to depart from evil ways, such as speaking evil of others (Psalm 34:13,14).
  4. The proper way of living is to do good and to seek peace (Psalm 34:14).

Let us be challenged to develop the right approach to dealing with the problems of life.

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