Developing A Personal Relationship With God

by Pastor Mark
February 02, 2023

The reality of God

As Moses neared the end of his life and ministry as the leader of Israel, he wrote a special song to challenge the people of God. These significant words reflected forty years of gaining knowledge and experience relating to God who was very real and personal to him.

But this was not so for the people of Israel. They tended to rebel against the Lord. This was a significant concern for Moses, especially as Israel was about to enter the promised land without him (Deuteronomy 31:27). The song’s words were vital and candidly written as Moses sought to encourage his people to relate to the Lord more deeply and personally.

Proclaiming the Lord and His name

“For I proclaim the name of the Lord:” (Deuteronomy 32:3)

  1. Moses focused on the Lord as he wrote his song.
  2. He sought to proclaim His name.
  3. Understanding the name of God
    • It represents all that God is.
    • It is a name that is holy and sacred.
  4. This reflected the reality of God in Moses’ life and ministry.

A personal discovery and understanding of God

“Ascribe greatness to our God. He is the Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, a God of truth and without injustice; righteous and upright is He.” (Deuteronomy 32:3,4)

1. Who God is

  1. Moses ascribed greatness to God as there is no other who is as great as He is.
  2. The Lord as his Rock was symbolic of strength, safety and salvation. He was the Rock of Moses and Israel in Egypt and throughout the wilderness journey.
  3. God’s work is always perfect, as seen in His many works in Egypt and the wilderness. There was nothing wrong with them.
  4. His ways are just, as seen in how God guided Moses and Israel. God is concerned about justice and will always uphold it.
  5. Moses saw the Lord as the God of truth who is without injustice. All He says and does is the truth, and He is filled with justice in all His words.
  6. He is fully righteous as God and upright in all His deeds.

2. A personal discovery and understanding of God

  1. Everything that Moses proclaimed about the Lord was gained through experience.
  2. His understanding of God was not theoretical knowledge.
  3. Together with the nation of Israel, Moses experienced all that they had gone through.
  4. His discovery and understanding of God was something personal and real.
  5. Moses had a close and loving relationship with God, filled with enlightenment and depth.

Seeking the reality of God in our lives

Let us ask ourselves, “How real is the Lord in our lives? How personal is He to us as we live and serve Him?” Let us not just have a theoretical understanding of God. Let us be challenged to discover the Lord in a real and personal way by growing our knowledge of Him and deepening our relationship with Him.

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