What a privilege to be attached to the True Vine;
The branches must abide in the Vine that is Divine.
The Father Himself is involved wonderfully;
His work is to care for the Vine deeply.
One area of His work is to prune the branches;
This may be painful but it is advantageous.
If the branches are not pruned, they may end up unfruitful;
The branches must yield to the hand of God that is faithful.
The Vinedresser has wonderfully skilled hands;
He will always have a glorious game plan.
He will never cause hurt unnecessarily;
He seeks to increase our productivity.
God desires all branches to be fruitful;
Our part is to yield and to be trustful.
How wonderful to bear fruit for the LORD;
May we ever seek to bring glory to our God!
Inspiration: John 15:1-8
Charles Tan