An Anchor To The Soul

by Pastor Mark
May 05, 2023


An anchor to face the storms of life

In life’s journey, unexpected storms can suddenly come upon us. Let us ask ourselves, “How well can we cope with these difficult storms of life?” Some may discover that we cannot fare as well as we thought. The problem is that we assume we have an anchor strong enough to face these turbulent storms.

A vital lesson that we learnt is that an anchor must be built solidly. There is a proper way of developing our anchor. When we assume we have a strong anchor, we may find ourselves overwhelmed by the storms of life. Let us be challenged to build a strong anchor that can truly withstand life’s difficulties.

Building a strong anchor

1. Faith as the foundation

  1. The challenge is for us to build a strong foundation.
  2. We need to be certain of the elementary principles of Christ (Hebrews 6:1).
  3. We ought to be clear and sure about the fundamental doctrines of our faith, such as repentance, faith towards God, baptisms and more (Hebrews 6:1,2).
  4. These principles form the foundation of our anchor.
  5. This strong foundation will keep us from falling away (Hebrews 6:6).
  6. It will ensure that we stay true to the Lord Jesus, the Son of God.

Let us be challenged to develop faith as the foundation of our anchor.

2. Building our anchor with works that come with genuine faith

  1. Going beyond our foundation, the challenge is to build our anchor with works.
  2. We cannot just remain at the foundation stage.
  3. The author of Hebrews was confident of better things from the brethren…things that accompany salvation (Hebrews 6:9,10).
    • Works
    • Labour of love
    • Ministering to the saints
  4. These works reflect true salvation and genuine faith.
  5. We thank God for all who serve, labour and minister to our brethren locally and overseas.
  6. Through faith and works, we are putting together the components of a strong anchor.

3. Hope as an anchor

“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast,” (Hebrews 6:19)

  1. The third component is hope which is the anchor of our soul.
  2. Hope is something that is inside us.
  3. It is based on the promises of God.
    • The promises made to Abraham continue to be relevant to us.
    • Two immutable things back these promises…His counsel and oath (Hebrews 6:17,18).
  4. Abraham found hope as his anchor was based on these promises.
  5. These promises wonderfully assure us of our hope in God and will keep us in times of our troubles.

These three components of faith, our works and hope form a strong anchor. Let us be challenged to have a sure and steadfast anchor no matter how harsh the storms are. Let us hold fast to our hope as the anchor to our soul in overcoming the trials of life.

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