Daily Devotions


Day 150

"He removed the protection of Judah"

Text: Isaiah 22:8


Every nation seeks to ensure safety and protection from enemies. Judah, like all other nations sought to protect itself against marauders. The city of Jerusalem was as protected as it could be. But the greatest protection that Judah could have was the LORD Himself. But Jerusalem had become idolatrous and no longer believed in the LORD!

“He removed the protection of Judah.
You looked in that day to the armour of the House of the Forest;
You also saw the damage to the city of David,
That it was great;
And you gathered together the waters of the lower pool.
You numbered the houses of Jerusalem,
And the houses you broke down
To fortify the wall.
You also made a reservoir between the two walls
For the water of the old pool.
But you did not look to its Maker,
Nor did you have respect for Him who fashioned it long ago.”
Isaiah 22:8-11

1. The removal of protection.

a) No human defence system offered total protection!

b) Since Judah had rejected the LORD, divine protection was removed!

2. “The House of the Forest”

a) This was a special nickname for Jerusalem’s Temple.

b) Solomon spared no expense to build a beautiful Temple.

c) Beautiful wood from the cedar and acacia trees were chosen
to build the holy artefacts.

d) So much wood was used that it was called “The House of the Forest”.

3. “The city of David”

a) Jerusalem was called “the city of David”.

b) He made it the capital of Israel.

c) Significant pools were built to ensure an adequate supply of water.

d) But great was the damage the Babylonians inflicted on the city of David.

4. “The houses of Jerusalem”

a) Houses were broken down so as to fortify the defenses of the city of David.

b) But all human plans were in vain, if the LORD were to remove His protection.

5. Double walls

a) These were built to give extra protection.

b) Sufficient water was found between the two walls to ensure water supply
to the main pool of water for Jerusalem.

6. No respect for the LORD.

a) Judah and Jerusalem did everything possible to safeguard the citizens.

b) But there was scant regard for the LORD, the Maker of the nation of Israel.

c) Though God sent His messengers to warn Judah and Jerusalem, by and large,
no one looked up to Him to seek His protection.