The sinful past must never be forgotten;

Thank God for reaching out to us from heaven.

New life was given to every true believer;

He is given the Holy Spirit as a great treasure.


Through the Spirit of God, we are given Light;

And by His help we are able to do what is right.

The Lord is able to help us live meaningfully;

By His grace, we can live most fruitfully.


Bearing fruit is proof that we are living right;

In the Lord, we will find the greatest delight.

To be a fruitful tree is every believer’s dream;

How the heart would be filled with thanksgiving.


The Spirit of God would empower us to overcome sin;

Our salvation in the Lord results in every blessing.

Thank God that we have the Spirit as our Guarantee;

The Seal of the Spirit confirms our faith for Eternity.


Inspiration: Ephesians 5:8-10

Charles Tan