Daily Devotions


Day 330

"Besides Me there is no saviour"

Text: Isaiah 43:11


Israel had foolishly turned to idols to deliver them out of their troubles. But they were greatly disappointed. There was no one who could deliver the nation out of all their troubles.

“‘I, even I, am the LORD,
And besides Me there is no saviour.
I have declared and saved,
I have proclaimed,
And there was no foreign god among you;
Therefore you are My witnesses,’
Says the LORD, ‘that I am God.
Indeed before the day was, I am He;
And there is no one who can deliver out of My hand;
I work, and who will reverse it?'”
Isaiah 43:11-13

1. An important reminder.

a) The LORD was their God.

b) He was their Redeemer.

c) There never was another Saviour.

2. What God had done for the nation.

a) He had declared.

b) He had saved.

c) He had also proclaimed:

i) Through the prophets.

ii) Faithfully

iii) Forthrightly

d) There was never to be a foreign god among the people.

3. Witnesses

a) The prophets were God’s witnesses.

b) The righteous and faithful were also witnesses.

c) That the LORD is their one and only God.

4. The Greatness of God.

a) This cannot be denied.

b) The LORD is their Eternal God.

c) His power is unquestionable.

i) If God declares something.

ii) No one can reverse it.

iii) No one can deliver that which God holds in His hand.

iv) His great power cannot be resisted!