Complete In Him

by Pastor Mark
December 14, 2023


The knowledge of Christ

At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. He came into this world to fulfil God’s salvation plan and give us life. The Lord Jesus came to do and complete everything necessary for us. We have completeness in Christ. But do we understand what that means? We may not and have sought things to fill up our sense of incompleteness.

The problem of feeling incomplete

  1. We may feel a sense of incompleteness regarding our faith.
  2. Part of the problem is that we don’t know Christ well enough.
  3. We lack understanding as to what He has done…that He has done a completed work.
  4. At the same time, false teachers use false teachings to prey on those feelings of incompleteness.
  5. The Apostle Paul gave a warning to the Colossian church to beware of those who deceive
    1. Through philosophy
    2. Through empty deceit
    3. Through traditions of men
    4. Through basic principles of the world, and more (Colossians 2:8)

Complete in Christ

“For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” (Colossians 2:9,10)

1. The idea of completeness

  1. The Greek word “plēroō” means being “as full or complete as can be”.
  2. It describes something that nothing needs to be added.
  3. It is as full and complete as it can be.
  4. No additional work needs to be done.

2. Completeness is found in the Lord Jesus

  1. Only the Lord Jesus can provide completeness.
  2. Because in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
  3. The Greek word “pleroma” indicates a “fullness” idea.
  4. It speaks of the potential that can be fully reached.
  5. The “fullness” idea of the Godhead is found in the Lord Jesus.
  6. It has to do with the fullness of His divinity…He is fully God.
  7. It also has to do with the fullness of His humanity…He is fully man.
  8. There is the fullness of what He has accomplished…e.g., in creation, salvation and more.
  9. All the fullness of glory and exaltation is to be ascribed to Him.

Therefore, we do not require anything else apart from Him to be complete.

3. Relationship between knowledge and being “complete in Him”

The fullness of Christ is related to us being filled with the knowledge of His will (Colossians 1:9). Knowledge is needed to understand our completeness in the Lord Jesus. There are repercussions for a lack of knowledge. We would be easily deceived by false teachers, and it can affect our faith and life adversely. The challenge is for us to be filled with the knowledge of Christ that we are complete in Him, and we should not feel any sense of incompleteness. We do not require anything else, such as the worldly/false things.

Let us be challenged this Christmas to deepen our understanding that we are complete in Christ and to grow our faith, strength and confidence in Him for life and ministry.

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