Another year has sped by, all too swiftly;

Some have passed on to Eternity!

Life may be thought of as having Seasons;

We need to learn how to use our Reason!


Childhood soon gives way to Adolescence;

And to some, this is a time of turbulence.

Values are questioned and Faith may be lost;

We need to learn how to count the cost!


The Seasons of Life mirror much of Nature;

Spring and Summer offer strength and splendour.

Then comes Autumn that comes with mystic beauty;

Winter comes and the bitter cold sets in bitingly.


The Seasons of Life are not ours to control;

Time marches on relentlessly, strong and bold.

How may we use the Seasons of our Life meaningfully?

Let us determine to make full use of Time, significantly!


Inspiration: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Charles Tan