The Prayer For Wisdom

by Pastor Mark
February 23, 2024

Recognising the need for wisdom

In facing the different challenges of life, we recognise our need for wisdom. We lack the wisdom to deal with these issues with the right judgment and discernment. We may end up using our human understanding to face these challenges.

King Solomon recognised his need for wisdom. At the beginning of his reign, the Lord offered Solomon a boon…to ask what He should give him (1 Kings 3:5). As we consider how Solomon prayed in reply to God, we can appreciate the reasoning for what he asked for.

1. A heart of gratitude (1 Kings 3:6)

  1. For the great mercy and kindness shown to his father, David.
  2. For appointing David’s son, Solomon, as king of Israel.
  3. Solomon did not take his place as king for granted.
  4. He recognised that his kingship was due to the Lord’s great mercy and kindness.

2. A heart of humility (1 Kings 3:7)

  1. Solomon saw himself as a servant of the Lord.
  2. He also saw himself as only a “little child” who lacked knowledge and understanding.
  3. He did not have the wisdom and understanding “to go out and come in”.

3. Appreciation of the nation of Israel (1 Kings 3:8)

  1. God had personally chosen Israel to be His people.
  2. They were a great people.
  3. There were too numerous to be counted.
  4. Solomon could not judge the people with his level of wisdom then.

4. A heartfelt plea to the Lord (1 Kings 3:9)

  1. Solomon pleaded as a servant of the Lord.
  2. He asked to be given an understanding heart.
  3. To have a heart that is able to discern between good and evil.
  4. In order to make wise judgments as king.

The Lord’s response to Solomon’s request

  1. The Lord was pleased with the prayer of Solomon (1 Kings 3:10).
  2. He evaluated the prayer of Solomon.
  3. He noted what Solomon had not asked for…long life, riches and the life of his enemies (1 Kings 3:11).
  4. But Solomon asked for understanding to discern justice (1 Kings 3:11).
  5. The Lord was able to appreciate Solomon’s humility and a sincere heart.
  6. He did according to what Solomon asked (1 Kings 3:12).
    • He gave Solomon a wise and understanding heart.
    • There would not be anyone who would be like Solomon in having wisdom and understanding.
  7. God also sought to give Solomon what he did not ask…riches and honour (1 Kings 3:13). And if Solomon walked in His ways, as David did, He would also give him a long life (1 Kings 3:14).

Let us be challenged to seek the Lord for His wisdom and discernment with humility and sincerity so that we can become wise and understanding in facing life’s challenges.

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