Daily Devotions


Day 427

"He had done no violence"

Text: Isaiah 53:9


The funerary details of the Messiah were even prophesied. This was a detail that evidenced the LORD’s vindication of the Messiah.

“And they made His grave with the wicked—
But with the rich at His death,
Because He had done no violence,
Nor was any deceit in His mouth.”
Isaiah 53:9

1. “And they made His grave with the wicked”

a) This was the intention of the Messiah’s enemies.

b) They wanted the Lord Jesus to die as if He was a wicked person.

i) The Lord Jesus was crucified.

ii) Crucifixion was reserved only for the very wicked of criminals.

iii) And if He was crucified then His grave would be among the wicked.

2. “But with the rich at His death”

a) But the evil plan of the Messiah’s enemies was not fulfilled.

b) His grave was not among the wicked!

c) Two rich men stepped up and spoke to Pontius Pilate.

d) They asked for the body of the Lord Jesus.

e) The LORD’s grave was a tomb that had never been used.

f) It was the tomb of a rich man, Joseph of Arimathea.

g) In this manner, God vindicated the Messiah.

h) He was the Son of God!

3. Vindication of the Messiah.

a) He had done no violence.

b) Nor was any deceit in His mouth.

c) These prophetic words vindicated the life of the Messiah.

d) How we must find great assurance in our faith in the Lord Jesus!