Daily Devotions


Day 484

"In My favour I have had mercy on you"

Text: Isaiah 60:10


Israel had always struggled with foreign nations. They were often hostile and some dominated the poor nation. But in the LORD’s future plans, Gentiles would come forward to help them reestablish Israel. This was an astonishing prophecy.

“The sons of foreigners shall build up your walls,
And their kings shall minister to you;
For in My wrath I struck you,
But in My favour I have had mercy on you.
Therefore your gates shall be open continually;
They shall not be shut day or night,
That men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles,
And their kings in procession.
For the nation and kingdom which will not serve you shall perish,
And those nations shall be utterly ruined.”
Isaiah 60:10-12

1. The sons of foreigners.

a) This was a description of Gentiles.

b) They would offer assistance to Israel.

2. In the wrath of God:

a) Israel was struck.

b) The Gentile nations ruled and humbled Israel.

3. In the favour of God.

a) God showed abundant mercy.

b) The hostile Gentile nations would help Israel to be re-established.

4. The walls of Jerusalem.

a) These were symbolic of Israel’s defence.

b) The walls of Jerusalem would be rebuilt.

c) Kings would send support to Israel.

5. The gates of Israel.

a) City gates were where commerce was done.

b) They represented “the market place” of the nation.

c) Israel’s city gates would be bustling with energetic business, day and night.

d) The nation would have a thriving economy.

e) The wealth of the Gentile nations would come to Israel.

6. Hostile Gentile nations.

a) There may be some who would remain hostile.

b) They may still seek to destroy Israel.

c) But they would fail.

d) At the most, those who were hostile would see themselves perish.

e) God Himself would be the Keeper and Preserver of Israel.